Tubal Reversal Surgery

Tubal reversal surgery, also known as microsurgical tubal reanastomosis, has been a common surgical therapy for decades. Until in vitro fertlization (IVF) became routine and successful, tubal reversal surgery was very common.

Over the last 5 years, or so, the success rates for IVF at highly-successful programs have nearly reached that of tubal reversal surgery in the best candidates. Because of this tubal reversal surgery has become much less common nationally.

Therefore, it is important that any woman considering tubal reversal surgery also be counseled about the benefits and drawbacks of IVF as compared to tubal reversal surgery. In the most ideal circumstances, every woman considering tubal reversal surgery would be counseled at a program that offered both options with high success rates.

Reproductive Medicine and Surgery Center of Virginia is Such a Place.

Despite some benefits of IVF, there are a number of excellent reasons a woman with a previous tubal ligation may desire a tubal reversal surgery rather than undergoing IVF. In the case of a patient desiring more than one child, tubal reanastomosis is more cost-effective. Many patients prefer to conceive “naturally” rather than requiring the technological complexity of IVF. Although considered quite safe, unresolved issues remain regarding the possibility of increased risks of some birth defects related to babies conceived from IVF. Increased incidence of multiple gestations is also more easily avoided with tubal reanastomosis.

A key issue for high-quality patient care is to counsel the patients appropriately about who is a good candidate for tubal reversal surgery, as compared to IVF, and be able to give informed recommendations. Keep in mind the saying, “If all you have is a hammer every problem looks like a nail.” If your practitioner only offers tubal reversal, then you may not get the most informed and objective perspective. In some cases, IVF would be more likely to result in pregnancy.
Success for tubal reversal surgery is quite variable and depends on such things as how the fallopian tubes were “tied”, the time since the surgery, the sperm count of the male partner, and the length of the remaining fallopian tubes. Tubal reversal also has a higher risk of ectopic pregnancy (pregnancy outside of the uterus). So, pregnancy rate is lower than delivery rate. Keep in mind also that “tubal patency” after surgery (the tubes being open after surgery) does not mean you can become pregnant. Delivery rate of a baby following surgery (not tubal patency rates or even pregnancy rates) is all that is important to couples.

An advantage for patients who come to the Reproductive Medicine and Surgery Center is the faculty. In addition to extensive experience performing these procedures, Doctors Bateman, Williams and Smith Co-Direct the In Vitro Fertilization Program. These doctors are subspecialty certified in infertility (Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility) by the American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology. Dr. Bateman founded the IVF program in Charlottesville, VA, in 1986 and has been performing tubal reversal surgery since 1980. Dr. has been doing tubal reversal surgery regularly since 1998.  Dr. Smith joined Drs. Bateman and Williams in 2010 and also regularly performs tubal reversal surgery.

Our tubal reversal fee is very competitively priced and we were the first program in the world to offer a money back guarantee. The full amount is paid approximately two weeks prior to the date of your surgery and will include the physician, anesthesia, and facility fee. Our office is responsible for paying the facility and anesthesiologist. The total cost for this procedure if performed in an outpatient setting is only $5,926.00.

We do not offer payment plans for this procedure. Most insurance carriers will not cover the initial office visit to see the physician to discuss tubal reversal. The new patient consult is under $377. You will be expected to pay this fee at the time of your visit. If you live more than 2 hours from Charlottesville, we are happy to extend a phone consultation appointment for you to talk with the doctor about tubal ligation reversal.

However, if you schedule surgery, the money that you paid for your consultation will be applied to the surgery balance. To schedule a new patient appointment to discuss your options, please call 434-654-8520. If you have any questions regarding financial matters, please ask for Jody. Many options are available to help patients afford fertility treatments.